Free Wi-Fi is available from 6:00 am to 9:00 pm each day inside and outside the library. Bring your laptop and enjoy access to the Internet inside at one of our comfortable seating areas, or outside on the lawn or in your car.


The Polk County Genealogical Department is a highlight of the library presenting our county’s rich history offering reference materials, newspaper and census microfilm, funeral home records, obituaries, family histories, vertical surname files and The Genealogy Department is currently undergoing updates/revisions and is only available by appointment.



The jealous kind by James Lee Burke
Home by Harlan Coben
No one knows by J T Ellison
Downfall by J A Jance
The wish by Beverly Lewis
A great reckoning by Louise Penny
Apprentice in death by J D Robb
Missing by James Patterson
Two by two by Nicholas Sparks
Foreign agent by Brad Thor
The woman in cabin 10 by Ruth Ware


Garfield series by Jim Davis
Design Star by Michael Gaffney
Killing the Rising Sun by Bill O’Reilly
Fishing Arkansas by Keith B Sutton
Timeless toys by Tim Walsh
Fun stuff party cakes by Louis Weber

DVDs and Audio

Angry birds movie
Batman vs. Superman
God is not dead 2
Jungle Book 2016
Letters from Iwo Jima
Longmire seasons 1, 2,3
Me before you


Animals should definitely not wear clothing by Judi Barrett
Really groovy story of the tortoise and the hare by Kristyn CrowCool refashioned sweaters by Alex Kuskowski
Arctic lights by Debbie Miller
Recess Queen by Alexis O’Neill

Good Sports by Jack Prelutsky
Let’s cook with cereal by Nancy Tuninelly
Ultimate Lego book